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Release Notifications


Never Miss the Latest Music From the Artists You Follow

With over 400M+ tracks from 40M+ creators, keeping track of the newest releases from your favorite artists on SoundCloud can be difficult. That’s why we’re introducing new release notifications to better connect artists and fans, making sure the latest releases are never missed. Starting today, fans will instantly be notified when an artist they follow drops a track or album, prioritizing notifications from artists they engage with the most.  

Our new release notifications lets you tailor your experience by opting to receive all notifications from artists you love and follow or muting them for specific artists. If you're unsure, simply choose "Personalized" and we'll decide which notifications to send based on  your engagement.  You can change your selection preferences at any time.

Getting new release notifications can be done in these three simple steps:

  1. Make sure your app is updated to the latest version
  2. Go to your favorite artist’s profile
  3. Click “follow” then click the bell icon
  4. Choose either “All New Releases” or “Personalized” to receive notifications. “All New Releases” will make sure you get all notifications for this artist, and “Personalized” will prioritize notifications from the artists you interact with the most. 

As we constantly explore ways to directly connect artists with fans, new release notifications bring artists closer to their listeners, fostering an even stronger community on SoundCloud.

New release notifications are rolling out this week to all SoundCloud users globally on iOS and Android devices. Soon you’ll never miss a new track from the artists you love.