Sort Your Liked Songs Instantly, with Mood & Genre Filters
If you’re on SoundCloud, you’ve probably been collecting “liked” songs in your library for years, with thousands upon thousands of tracks in your collection. No one has taste like yours, but that endless list of liked tracks can be overwhelming and difficult to organize and navigate. Especially when you’re craving a specific sound.

You asked for a better way to organize your music library, and to re-discover the songs you’ve “liked” over the years. We answered: Introducing Mood & Genre Filters. Now you can instantly sort your “liked” songs based on what you’re feeling in the moment.
Just pick your mood or genre from the 64 available options at the top of your liked songs library, and your entire collection will be sorted by AI, serving you up a perfect playlist to match it. From “Exciting” to “Angry” to “Majestic”, Hip Hop to Indie to Industrial, our filters can set the tone for every scenario.
Need to pump yourself up before a job interview? Hit “Powerful” and instantly get in the zone. Trying to find that one specific Afrobeats track you discovered a few years back? Tap “Afrobeats” and never lose it again. Curating the soundtrack of your life just got way easier.
The new Mood and Genre filter is available to Go and Go+ subscribers on iOS and Android mobile devices. And because music, like you, is always evolving, we will keep expanding the feature availability on different devices and range of moods and genres you can sort by.